

Komentáře k článku John Locke, otec klasického liberalizmu I - Anarchie a prirodzený stav

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Extremni anarchokapitalismus

To je zajimavej pojem - anarchokapitalismus asi nemuze bejt jinej, nez extremni ... A rekl bych, ze Locke by se k nemu dopracoval taky, kdyby videl, jak ten "nocni hlidac" skoncil ... :) ...

Minarchismus je totiz stejna utopie, jako moderni socialni stat, nebo komunismus ... Nic takovyho neexistuje, vsechno je to jen nekonzistentni vymluva pro iniciaci nasili na ostatnich ...

To ovsem nic nemeni na tom, ze Lockovo (Hobsovo, Misesovo, ...) dilo bylo celkem genialni ...

Moc se mi libilo, jak to shrnul Larken Rose v "The most dangerous superstition":

“I believe it’s good to obey the law. In other words, I judge that I should do as the
legislators command. In other words, I judge that, rather than making my own decisions
about what I should do, I should subjugate myself to the will of those in government. In
other words, 1 judge that it is better for my actions to be dictated by the judgment of
people in power instead of by my own personal judgment, In other words, I judge that it
is right for me to follow the judgment of others, and wrong for me to follow my own
judgment. In other words, I judge that I should not judge.”

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