26. července 2011 17:35:49 | reagovat
Jakub Skala
(...)přestože v čistě ekonomickém smyslu pracovníci svoji práci samozřejmě vlastní.
jen pro zajimavost: Kinsella - Against IP:
One reason for the undue stress placed on creation as the source of property rights may be the focus by some on labor as the means to homestead unowned resources. This is manifest in the argument that one homesteads unowned property with which one mixes one’s labor because one “owns” one’s labor. However, as Palmer correctly points out, “occupancy, not labor, is the act by which external things become property.” (...) Further, there is no need to maintain the strange view that one “owns” one’s labor in order to own things one first occupies. Labor is a type of action, and action is not ownable, rather, it is the way that some tangible things (e.g., bodies) act in the world.